Friday, October 31, 2008

Fall fluff

fall fluff, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

Today is Halloween. I figured "Wow, it should be dead easy to find something interesting to take a picture of today!" But after 87 pictures of my plastic Halloween pumpkin at work, and a few dozen attempts to get candid shots of kids who wouldn't stand still long enough to stay in frame, I came home in frustration and decided to go outside and see if I could find anything interesting.

This bit of fluff is the center of my clematis that grew on the west side of my house this summer. The setting sun was making the light was so golden and lovely, I had to shoot this.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Worklife, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

Look up in my cube and this is what you see. I get 5 of these every month. I really ought to archive these before they bury me.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sangria on boxwood

sangria on boxwood, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

This is my progress on my spindling practice. I think I'm getting a lot better. I need to wind off this batch, since the weight of the cop is now affecting my spin time. Isn't the fiber purty? It's Spunky Eclectic's CorriePaca in a colorway called sangria.