Sunday, November 30, 2008

Amy Butler.

amy butler, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I wish I could take credit for this cute little spindle bag, but I can't. I bought this Amy Butler fabric after seeing a friend of mine on Ravelry use some to make a series of spindle bags that I coveted. Unfortunately, I don't really know how to sew, so I took the fabric down to Jackie's this weekend, and she whipped this up for me. Isn't it the cutest???

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Clark Griswold.

clark griswold, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

It was relatively warm today (45F or so), and Jackie and Nick are in Christmas decorating mode. Nick is Clark Griswold at heart, and he was on the upper roof putting up icicle lights. He has yet to reach the true Clark stage of actually stapling lights to the surface of the house (as opposed to just hanging them from the eaves), but that's probably only because their house is brick. :D

Friday, November 28, 2008


nativity, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

Best. Nativity. Evah.

I'm at my friend Jackie's for the weekend, and she's putting out all of her Christmas decorations. This is her nativity scene. Love it. :D

Thursday, November 27, 2008


om nom nom, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

What else would I post on Thanksgiving? Of course, I thought about trying to get a picture of the prep chaos, or the aftermath chaos, but I never got around to it, so roasted turkey it is. Mmmm. Turkey.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


origins, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

Or should I call it "Birth of a Sock"? This is what I've been working on most of the day. Three singles of what will become a 3-ply sock yarn in the colorway called Lame Duck Mallard, my October club fiber from Spunky Eclectic. Up next...plying.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To and fro.

to and fro, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I don't get into downtown Wilkes-Barre anymore now that I work out in BFE, but since I'm off this week, I ran over at lunchtime to meet my friend Michelle for sushi, which is right near the building where I used to work. I spied these stairs of the parking garage while I was waiting for her. I miss working downtown. So many more interesting things to take pictures of down there.

Monday, November 24, 2008


priorities, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I'm off this whole week, and I'll be hosting Thanksgiving dinner at my house, so my Mom came over today to go grocery shopping with me. My fridge is now full of critical Thanksgiving supplies. Such as, uh....turkey. Yeah. Turkey. Among other things. ;)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Serious fun.

serious fun, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

This Jeep is white. Someone takes their fun *very* seriously. :D

Saturday, November 22, 2008


heat, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I spent the day at a new knitting shop in the town next door to mine, and I took my camera, thinking "Hey, knitting and spinning and yarn and wool and friends! Excellent photo ops!" And then proceeded to totally forget about my camera. So, I'm sitting here thinking "What can I take a picture of now? The pressure!" and I heard a loud CLANK! Aha! The radiator! So, here it is. Heat.

Friday, November 21, 2008

John's view.

john's view, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I've tried several times to get a good shot of this, but the light has always been wrong when it occurred to me to try. I left work a bit early today, and the sun hadn't quite set when I walked in the door and I thought I'd run up to give it a shot.

This is the view from my bathroom window when you're sitting on the commode. :D

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Farewell my friend.

farewell, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

My beloved Zune died an untimely death today. I miss it already. The prospect of sending it off for repair and sitting through work for 4-6 weeks without it is grim...but, I loved this model way better than I like the new ones. This one had character. A nice matte brown with green translucent trim. The new ones are too slick and shiny. And black. Feh.

Farewell, my friend. *sigh*

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


strata, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I've been practicing my long draw spinning, and the end result of my efforts was these three colors of Coopworth wool, which I intend to make some Fair Isle gloves with. I'm such a sucker for natural wool colors, and Coopworth is so lofty and springy. Mmmm...yarn.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


anachronism, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

This phone booth is on a back road that I take to the post office at lunch sometimes. Every time I pass it, I'm amazed that it's still there. I haven't used a phone booth in probably 10 years, and that includes being in places like shopping malls and airports. I have no idea who in the world is using this particular phone booth that makes it worth it to maintain service there. It's seriously in the middle of nowhere.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Drive through view.

drive through view, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I spied this old house as I waited in line at the drive-through at Wendy's today. Wires, tree, blue sky, peeling paint...I don't know, I just liked it. :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Football kitty.

nugget, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

This is my brother's cat, Nugget. She's what we refer to as the little kitty, since at 13 pounds, she's the smallest of the herd of behemoth cats my brother has acquired. He also has Milo (medium kitty, at 15ish pounds) and Peanut (also known as Gigantor, at a whopping 19 pounds).

Nugget meatloafed herself up on the arm of the sofa to watch football with us today. Look at the front paws. She's so nice. :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The roommate.

roommate, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

This little guy lives in my living room...he's usually under one of the end tables by the sofa, but I dragged him out the other night when the knitting/spinning ladies came over so I could put a new candle in him. His shell lifts up and has a socket for a votive candle and then he glows. My BFF Jackie gave him to me, she said every home needs a bit of whimsy. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008


tazo, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I have a strange relationship with tea. I love the *concept* of tea, but rarely the actuality. I wander the tea aisle at the grocery store and look at all of the delightful-sounding options: tea to wake up, take to relax, tea to energize, tea with antioxidants to prevent cancer, black tea, green tea, herbal tea. I often wind up buying something that sounds (and smells!) irresistible, and then I get it home and never touch it.

Yesterday, I bought a box of Tazo tea, a sampler pack. I love iced chai lattes when I go to B&N for knitting night, and I thought it would nice to have some tea on hand for the ladies who came over last night. Look at how pretty they are in the bowl (which is a handmade pottery bowl my mother bought me at the WV Folk Festival, btw)! I've already used the 2 chai teabags that were in the sampler, and they're AWESOME. I have high hopes for the rest.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


bosworth, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I had some of my knitting friends over tonight to spin, and we got so caught up in spinning, chatting, etc. that I totally forgot to take an action shot, which would have been awesome. Then, when they left, I could have taken a spinning aftermath shot, but....well, I forgot that too. So, this is what was left after I cleaned up. My two new Bosworth spindles that I got at Rhinebeck, which I totally love. Aren't they purty?

Oh! The table runner that they're sitting on is something I bought in Greece. It's a hand-painted/embroidered silk-edged sheer runner, and I'm in love with it. Also purty!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Family portrait.

family portrait, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I took this on the way out of the hospital tonight, where I'd gone to visit my Dad. Two of my family members are in this photo (well, three if you include me), but I didn't realize it until I uploaded the picture to my computer and looked at it large. :D

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Work sun.

work sun, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

The light source where I spend most of my waking hours. No good for tanning.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Reflection while I query.

reflection, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I'm sitting here in my cube, running an endless query, so I started looking for things to take pictures of. I love this elephant foot palm on my windowsill, but the sun is going down, making it hard to photograph without a reflection in the window. So I decided to take a picture of the reflection itself, so it's a feature, not a flaw. :D

Sunday, November 9, 2008


hobbies, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I almost forgot to blog today! I spent the day at my brother's watching football (like I do every Sunday from September to February), and then when I got home, I got to spinning the final segment of my August Spunky Eclectic fiber (yes, I know...I'm way behind). So, I figured the best picture for today would be a combo of the two hobbies that almost distracted me from my blogging goal for today. :D

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Light reading.

light reading, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I've already read that stack, but I'm out of bookshelf space, so they're living on my bedroom dresser.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Place to ponder.

turquoise bench, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

This bench is next to a pond across the parking lot from my work building. I've never noticed it before, but today when I was walking out to my car at lunch, the turquoise reflection caught my eye. Funny how different things are jumping out at me now that I'm on my picture-a-day mission. :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


pomegranate, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I love pomegranates like a fat kid loves candy. I strive to eat one every single day that they're in season (which is only from late October through about Christmas), cost be damned. Mmmm...pomegranates.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Curious cat is curious.

jadis curious, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

This is Jadis, perched on the sofa in my office, her normal haunt. If she's not trailing me around the house, yowling at the top of her lungs (she can't relax unless *I'm* walking around drives her insane), this is where I'll find her. And she's so high-strung, it's nearly impossible to get a shot of her from far away. She has to know what you're doing.

My life's goal is to get a picture of her asleep. Ha! Like that'll ever happen. Crazy beast.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


election, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

It's election day. What else would I post?

I took my camera to my polling place, and snapped a picture of my ballot when the lady was distracted while setting the machine up for someone else. I don't know if I'd be allowed to take pictures if I'd asked, so I didn' they say, it's easier to get forgiveness than permission. :D

BTW...I keep meaning to mention this, but if you're seeing these posts through the LJ syndication and want to comment, please click the blogspot link at the top of the entry. Syndicated entries are only kept in LJ for a short time, so if you comment in LJ, they're eventually lost.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The trooper

the trooper, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

Most of the leaves are off the trees in my area (northeast PA), except for these maple trees in my work building's parking lot...they're still this brilliant red. They're quite the troopers, hanging in there until the bitter end.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


vertigo, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I don't know if it's because my vertigo is back (I stupidly triggered it in an upside down quest for a dropped pen in my car) or what, but I could not stop looking at my dining room window today. My house is about 80 years old, and the downstairs windows are all the original leaded glass. The big panel in the dining room's picture window is seriously wavy, and it really stands out when you look through it directly at the siding of the house next door. Oof.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


zach with sweater, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

Word to the wise: never buy a 4 year old a sweater for his birthday. :D