Tuesday, February 3, 2009


ennui, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I missed posting a PAD yesterday for the first time in 97 days. My sister told me missing my PAD has upset the karma of the entire universe. *sigh*

Tonight's picture is courtesy of my complete lack of interest in getting up from the sofa to find something to take a picture of. :D I was laying there, just got done watching AI and Fringe, and it was so toasty and comfy, I didn't feel like getting up to wander around and find something more picturesque. I took a bunch of self portraits, but I hated them all, so...ennui is what you get. Yeah.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


oof, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

I made The Pioneer Woman's Mexican Layer Dip for the Super Bowl. The only problem? I *always* overdo food for the Super Bowl. My brother's girlfriend made buffalo chicken wing dip, and we also had some cookies and ranch dip to eat with either carrots or pretzels.

Hence, by the time I actually got the Mexican Layer Dip done, this is all I could eat. This is actually about 1/3 of the whole recipe, too...I made a whole separate dish of it for bro and his gf, and they ate similar amounts. Yar. I'm going to be eating this dip for the rest of the week.