Thursday, January 29, 2009

We are family.

family, originally uploaded by jadis_eoc.

Someone over on Ravelry asked what people were spinning on, so I decided to take a picture of my spindle family. I only have 5 so far (OK, I really have 6, but one of them is a piece of crap that I bought to test for a possible spindling class and I hate it, so it's banished from this picture), and they're all nifty.

Clockwise from the top, we have a Bosworth midi in bubinga (1.13oz), a Kundert bubinga wreath (1.4oz), a ButterflyGirlDesigns murano foil glass (1.4oz), another Bosworth midi in English boxwood (1.2oz) and a ButterflyGirlDesigns polymer clay millefiori (0.9oz).

Whee, spinning!

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